As summer comes to an end, fall will begin. This means spending time outdoors will start to be pretty difficult. Cold weather will swoop in and you’ll want to catch the newest episode of your favorite television show. That’s okay! But before you grab your blanket and the remote, why... [read more]
During the fast-paced environment of the world these days, it’s difficult to sometimes find a way to slow down. After all, slowing down means putting down the phone, logging off the computer, and practicing a bit of mindfulness. Mindfulness and meditation is a great way to relieve some anxiety, clear... [read more]
Learning a new skill is always a thrill but it’s even better when you’re doing something as exciting as taking a beginner flying trapeze class. It’s a chance to gain more coordination while trying something athletic and having a lot of fun in the process. Does this sound like something... [read more]
For all you dog moms (and dads) out there, here’s an opportunity for you to get a high-quality, professional photo of your furbaby while also supporting a fantastic cause. On August 8 from 5 pm to 7 pm, A Gold Photo Pet Photography out of Tampa will be hosting a... [read more]
Nothing goes hand in hand like warm weather and margaritas, which is why the SRQ Margarita Festival is right around the corner. This is anything but your normal festival. Of course, you’re going to enjoy plenty of margaritas, but you’ll also get a music festival-like experience. Sounds like fun, doesn’t... [read more]
Wondering when the next race you can catch is? Well, you’re in luck. The SUP & Run 5K is right around the corner, and this is one race you definitely won’t want to miss. Whether you are an avid runner, are just starting out, or simply want to walk the... [read more]
You love your mom so much, and you want to prove it to her this Mother’s Day. But have you started planning what you’re going to do yet? If not, you’ll want to make plans as soon as possible. After all, it’s right around the corner, so make sure she... [read more]
Do you love animals? How about playing fun games? What about knowing you’re doing your part to help your community? You can do all these things when you get your tickets to FoMCAS Casino Night!
About Casino Night
FoMCAS Casino Night Will be April 20 at the Manatee Performing Arts Center. You... [read more]
We’re all familiar with the famous “ball drop” that takes place each New Year’s Eve in New York. In fact, chances are you usher in the new year by watching the event as it’s televised live on air. New Year’s Eve has long been a time for friends and family... [read more]
If you’re a Florida resident, you’re probably aware that the holiday season is quite different for your state. In fact, we’re willing to bet that residents of other states who always see snow would trade it just to be surrounded by the beach! After all, you trade snow for sand.... [read more]