Every Saturday from October through May, Old Main Street in Downtown Bradenton transforms into a farmers’ market. Locals meet to enjoy fresh produce, music, local art, and fun demonstrations by local chefs and hobbyists. You can enjoy the market from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. each Saturday during its season. Besides bringing home fresh ingredients for yummy meals, there are plenty of reasons why you should visit the Bradenton Farmers’ Market!
Organic and non-GMO
Though it isn’t a requirement of farmers’ markets, many farmers use organic methods to grow their produce. They will often label it as such, so you can be sure you’re purchasing the organic goods you desire.
Seasonal Food
There’s a reason that seasonal, rotating menus are gaining popularity – it’s good for you! You’ll be getting fresher produce and fruit that’s more nutrient-dense than if you were to eat it shipped in during the “off-season”.
Produce and fruit available at the farmers’ market is generally picked the day of or day before at the peak of ripeness. Not only does this mean your farmers’ market wares are going to taste better, but they’ll be more nutritious, too.
Better For The Environment
In addition to using less gas than shipping food across the country, local farmers tend to plant multiple crops each season, meaning they’re keeping the land viable and nutrient-dense, instead of zapping resources like corporate monoculture farms. They also produce less environmental waste such as carbon monoxide, pesticide, and chemical fertilizers.
Support The Local Economy And Local Farmers
When you purchase your food from a local farmers’ market, you are supporting the livelihood of local farmers and businesses, which pumps life into the local economy.
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Learn New Recipes And Cooking Tips
Many farmers’ markets, including the Bradenton Farmers Market, have a demonstration area where you can learn helpful information, tips, and recipes for the products you buy at the market. Farmers are the experts on how to cook, roast, sauté, and enjoy the seasonal produced you’ve purchased.
There’s still plenty of weekends left in the market season, stop by this Saturday and find your new favorite fresh ingredient!
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